hari raye ketiger..
di sini segalanya bermula..
meyambut kedatangan orang baru dalam femeli..
di sini juger bermula kisah..
kehadiran orang baru dalam hidup arif morales..ha3
mintak maaf larrr....dop brape pandai jiwang2 nie...
Afif El Nino pandai arrr...ha3
tapi macam tajuk yang dibicarakan..
the end of a road..begitu jugak kisah orang baru..
kalu taylor swift cakap today was a fairy tale..
bagiku..22 days was a fairy tale..ha3..
dop taw nak describe or explain mcm maner..
but these pictures will express the feeling inside me..

BEFORE<> I excited and trying as hard as i can

NOW<> I really tired and i am done of trying

BEFORE<> The colourfull rainbow in my heart

NOW<> The colourless rainbow in my heart

BEFORE<> I gain the power to breaking the single status

NOW<> I lose the power and staying single
the detail of what happened?
dop perlu tahu arh eyhhh....ha3
so selepas kejadian ini
aku mencipta satu alat menggunakan kaedah saintifik..ha3
kalu istilah sains..ia dipangill kunci dan mangga hipotesis
tapi istilah arif morales..its called key and heart hypothesis
lets show the picture first

There is a lock to the heart
aku cipta sendiri formula nie..
lepas nie dapat hadiah Noble ar Arif Morales..ha3
so now i locked my heart..
kunci nyer sudah dibuang..
saper2 dapat cari kunci 2
dielar dpt reopened back the lockheart...ha3
~~To PuT In ThE NutshelL~~

THE RAYA DAY WITH SENIOR<> The bald boy is me...ha3
knape upload gambar nie?ha3...sebab xde gambar baru laen nak upload..wahai Namaku Aming..niela rambut scofield yang mung nak tgk sangat tu....aku tunaikan hajat mung nie...ha3...exam just one month lagi...so hope this sem will be a miracle..chaiyo Arif Morales!!!
(-; BanG!!!!! :-)
9 KomenG:
nasihat: jgn mudah jatuh cinta, nak flirt je xpe. jgn mudah memberi hati, utk suka2 penuhkan mase je xpe. dan jgn menangis kerana si dia, buat die menangis xpe. hehe... fokus study patu kumpul duet byk2 ek. =P
baeklah..kadang2 pesanan dari org yang sudah member hati kepada orang laen amat bernas:)...trime kasih wahai junior...:)
tp x ke kjam kalau nk flirt je,pastu suka org 2 utk suka2 pnuhkn msa je n buat si dia nangis? 2 dh nmanya mainkan prasaan org..nsihat x btul 2..ish3..tp yg last2 tu btul..fokus study..hehe
suke ati je nk komen nsihat org..padahal xknal pn..hahaha
hey cik anonymous...awat hang loklak ngat...ha3...carew komen pun dah taw saper..kalu awak di tempat sayer anda baru tahu perasan sayer:)...so think before you throw...ha3
ok..may be i dnt know d real situation that happen to u n as u said sayer x tahu prasaan awak sbb sayer bkn di tempat awk..BUT klau pn mcm 2 xkn anda nk jadikan diri anda mcm girl 2 yg kcewakan anda? "dont do to others what u dont want others to do to u.." just nk bg pndapat..
ikutlar...perasaan masing2..perbuatan masin2..dosa masing2..sooo?ha3...paham molep ayat 2....bajet misteri wat anonymous
hurm..sbenarnya sy bkan nk slahkan sape2 n bukan nk cri gduh pn..point utama saya cuma nk btulkan nasihat junior awk di atas 2 je.."jgn mudah jtuh cinta,ADMIRE je xpe..jgn mudah memberi hati tp klu dh TERBAGI hati kt org 2,jgn bg 100% slagi x kawen n jgn terlalu mengharap..jgn nangis kerana dia, mungkin ada yg LBH BAIK dari dia ALLAH nk bg kt awak..n lastly, dont ever let LOVE control u but use the love to make u strong..btw, mcm junior awak ckap 2, skrg fokus study dlu..final dh dekat..huhu
isyh biaq pi dier arhhhh....bajet jadi anonymous ord g tahu ar ko saper?jgn sampai aku post something willl make u regret...ples go away from my life n jgn kcu kawan2 sayer..u r not my fren:)
asal kasar sgt comment kau weh? what goes around comes around. bajet hot sgt ke smp member sendiri kau cakap camtu? u have no right to insult people. u r NOT perfect either. i believe in karma. once u hurt someone, u will be hurt too. just wait & ur time will come. & i cant wait for that.
p/s: xde niat nak wat kau sakit ati or watsoeva sice aku pon xkenal kau sgt tp if nasihat ni quite to harsh im sorri.
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