Goalkeeper...satu posisi yang selalu diperlekehkan pada zaman xde kaler lagi smpailah skarang..bagi mereka tidak kirelah peminat bola...pandai maen bola ker..men guli ker..men batu selambut ker....tanyelar saper2 yang nak bermain bola sepak..futsal...awak nak maen posisi ape?..jwbnyer..mestilar striker...cehhhh...dahhh 2 kalu semer orang jawab mcm 2..satu dunia arr player bola sepak penuh dengan striker jerrr...ha3..lol sungguh arrr...
" You dont have a quality goalkeeper...no matter how strong the team is..you cannot guarentee win "~~JOSE MOURINHO~~
Ini bukan aku kata tapi coach bola sepak yang akan mengemudi Real Madrid sndiri berkate mcm 2....ha3...orang kater kalu dalam banyak2 posisi..goalkeeper paling senang...x penat pun..stakat tangkap2 bbola..tahan2 bola...pastu bagi kat orang..bukan susah pun...amboiii sembang kuat nyerr...acu cuba try test tgk jadi goalkeeper...baru taw bukan senang utk menjadi seorang goalkeeper nie
goalkeeper di atas padang(xkan atas katil plak) lebih dikenali sebagai last man standing..the last man that can make a miracle or doing something ridicilous..giler speaking aku kan...ha3...tgk atas padang nampak mcm x ptg mane pun goalkeeper nie...tp kalu tgk world cup...semer kamera belakang goalkeeper...ha3..yess satu lawak bodoh dikeluarkan skali lagi..tahniah arif morales!!

PeteR SchmeicheL
The best goalkeeper of the decade..inilar dier orangnyer...kalu orang x minat bola tu mesti ingat dier nie brad pitt..ha3..morales bukan nak knalkan pada semua utk mengambil die jadi calon menantu(tapi kalu berkenan terpulang lar)..lets listen to his quote
" I dont care if others said that goalkeeper is only a uselesss thing on the field but for me,when i come on the field, i try my best in each game and even i can score a goal"

IkeR CasillaS
nie kalu morales x introduce punn...afif el nino sedia dahh nak introduce kat semua orang..ker ganer el nino?ha3...nielar Goalkeeper yang for sure akan jadi legend di Real Madrid...nie kalu nok wat suami baru smart sket dari tadi...ha3..mari kite dengar ape kate hati dier....
" Before i become the goalkeeper...the coach said to me to give up and be a model..but i said although i am short and thin...i will show u what magic that i can do with this body..now i proud to myself"

AriF MoraleS
hye...ha3...nielar dier Arif Morales..the shot stopper of GC FUTSAL TEAM..knape memilih goalkeeper?sebab minat and a new cabaran utk diriku..bukan utk mempromotekan diri utk jadi calon menantu ker or calon hantu ker or ape2 jer...cume nak cakap diriku bangga utk jadi goalkeeper and i proud to be in this position ...
" u will be a star when u have the determination and a strong will to sucess..start with the failure and ended with sucessfully"
To PuT In ThE NutshelL
the magic and miracle in a team will done by the hand of the goalkeeper..giler speaking lagi...ewah3...ape2 punn..nantikan kepulangan aku GC futsal team...i will be back to be the Goalkeeper...ha3
(-; BanG!!!!! ;-)
2 KomenG:
I can feel more comfortable when Arif Casillas is between the stick behind me. He makes the difficult things look easy. GCFC FOREVER. -Afif El Nino-
bang bang bang bang bang........
jadi lah keeper terbaik d dlm GCFC
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